There are many risk analysis techniques that are routinely applied in a product engineering setting. These include things like Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, etc. It is common for complex systems and products to be subjected to risk analysis at some point in their design process.
The same types of techniques, with some modifications, can be used to assess the risks associated with human errors. For the past few years, I have been applying human error risk analysis to medical devices, air traffic control maintenance procedures, etc. These
techniques are so general that they can really be applied in almost any setting.
An often-overlooked perspective in risk analysis is that it can be applied for many different sets of effects. The most common application is to identify the risk of injury or death from human errors. However, we can just as easily look at business outcomes, such as increased warranty costs, network downtime, property damage, etc.
Human error risk analysis is an extremely under-utilized activity in legal settings.